soledad existencial

Auster está absorbiendo toda mi atención. Son días en que el trabajo me está dejando más tiempo y no puedo evitar buscar más y más información sobre el autor y su obra.

Aun a riesgo de enturbiar mi propia capacidad de análisis leo en la red hasta encontrar algo que creo merece la pena: la California Literary Review (, artículo firmado por Garan Holcombe, "un escritor basado en Madrid, España") me ayuda a salir de cierto fango filosófico en el que me estaba metiendo.

Paul Auster is a writer, who like Beckett is obsessed with identity and the way it is constructed out of and through the medium of stories, words, or even the thinnest of airs. [...] Auster’s meandering creations seek the means by which they can live: by which they can be alive in the fullest sense. They are characters in search of an independent existence. Auster, like Ballard, is an author who subscribes to the belief that it is only through the construction of reality that we are truly able to perceive, rationalise and comprehend the one within which we are forced to spend our lives; he is fascinated by the breaking down of the boundaries between what is lived and what is read; and the blurring of the distinction between what is experienced and what is written.
Hablando sobre The New York Trilogie:
The stories examine solitude and obsession, of how one informs the other, and underlying all three is an atmosphere of disenchantment and dislocation, the absurdity of searching for something nameless, something beyond reach, something which is, by definition, unknowable.
A modo de conclusión:
Postmodern game playing and the juxtaposing of the supposedly real with the imaginary, are marked aspects of Auster’s style; and there are those critics who dismiss him for what is usually termed metafiction, that is, fiction engaged in a dialogue with itself, a story which calls attention to the telling of the story. [...] there is amusic to Auster’s prose, not surprising given that he has published several collections of poetry, a music which grows from the accumulation of metaphysical speculation, an intellectual questing couched not in abstruse academic terms but rather in a language which is immediately accessible.
Con estas premisas he comenzado -casi inmediatamente tras haber terminado The New York Trilogie- The Invention of Solitude.

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