Hablando del padre de Ernesto Guevara Jon Lee Anderson nos dice:
"He desperately wished to live a life of adventure and daring, but he was destined to live his life, for the most part, at the periphery of the large events of his time. He had trumpeted his willingness to fight for Paraguay, but he had not gone. The Spanish Civil War and World War II gave him new issues to champion, and later he would take up others, but as always he did so from the sidelines. In the end, it was not these activities he would be remembered for, but his role as the father of Ernesto "Che" Guevara."
Me veo reflejado en parte en el padre de "Teté" aunque yo nunca me he visto a mí mismo liderando nada o formando parte de ninguna revolución. La punzada de la frustración, sin embargo, no es menos intensa por ser el motivo menos elevado.
Algo más adelante el autor de la biografía de "El Pelao" remata:
"(In recognition for his own efforts, Guevara Lynch received a certificate signed by de Gaulle himself, thanking him for the support he had given to the "people of France" in their hour of need. For the rest of his life, Guevara Lynch kept it with him as one of his proudest possessions.)"
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