creador de revoluciones

Che en acción

"By the summer of 1964, Che had resolved to leave Cuba and return to the revolutionary battlefield."

En el Largo Adiós encontramos al Ché enfrentado a todo y a todos, siguiendo ciegamente su ideal revolucionario.

Decide finalmente marchar a Bolivia y extender desde su posición central en el continente la revolución al resto de América del Sur. Pero,
"he had new enemies at home and abroad."

Los partidos comunistas latinoamericanos estaban furiosos por su insistencia en exportar la lucha revolucionaria a sus países; el Kremlin lo clasificó como "peligroso extremista, un Trotskista"; la política económica cubana fracasó y la agricultura, no la industria pesada, era el futuro de la economía isleña, lo que arruinaba el sueño del Chede crear el Nuevo Hombre Socialista.
"The global battle against imperialism was a struggle for world power between two diametrically opposed historical forces, and there was no sense in protracting the people's agony through doomed attempts to forge tactical short-term alliances with the enemy, or appeasement strategies such as 'peaceful coexistence'.

[...] History, science, and justice were on the side of socialism; therefore, it must wage the necessary war to win, whatever the consequences -including nuclear war. Che did no shrink from that outcome, and he was telling others they should not, either. Many would die in the revolutionary process, but the survivors would emerge from the ashes of destruction to create a new, just world order based upon the principles of scientific socialism."

"Che's habit of referring to the people, the workers, as bits of machinery, as the worker ants in a vast revolutionary agro-industrial collective, affords a glimpse of his emotional distance from individual reality. [...] the terms he employs for individual humans are reductive and dehumanizing, while the value of their labor in the social context is idealized, rendered in lyrical and sympathetic description."

"The Communist consciousness he had attained was still an elusive, abstract, and even unwanted state of being for many people, even those who believed themselves to be socialists and happily echoed his shout of 'Freedom or Death'. The willingness to sacrifice material comforts and even life itself for the cause was a state of mind Che might have achieved, but most other men and women had not, and they probably had little interest in trying."

Pero tras de esto, ¿qué duda cabe que está Ernesto?...
"I live like someone torn in two, twenty-four hours a day, completely torn in two, and I haven't got anybody to tell it to. Even if I did, they would never believe me."

Como confirmara su madre al periodista uruguayo Eduardo Galeano:
"... from the time of his asthmatic childhood, her son '... had always lived trying to prove to himself that he could do everything he couldn't do, and in that way he had polished his amazing willpower."

Galeano llegó a la conclusión por sí mismo de que:
"Che was not a desk-man: he was a creator of revolutions, and it was apparent; he was not, or was in spite of himself, an administrator. Somehow, that tension of a caged lion that his apparent calm betrayed had to explode. He needed the sierra."

Se decidió por Bolivia (Anderson llega a la conclusión de que fue Fidel quien sugirió esta opción como la mejor) y el Ché Guevara tenía claro que no podía regresar a Cuba sin haber logrado un gran éxito. Desde ese momento:
"... Che had nowhere to go, and had truly become a man withouth a country."

Tras su final en Bolivia, y a modo de epílogo, Anderson nos deja un análisis certero:
"Che's unshakable faith in his beliefs was made even more powerful by his unusual combination of romantic passion and coldly analytical thought. This paradoxical blend was probably the secret to the near-mystical stature he acquired, but seems also to have been the source of his inherent weaknesses -hubris and naïveté. Gifted at perceiving and calculating strategy on a grand scale, yet at a remove, he seemed incapable of seeing the small, human elements that made up the larger picture [...]

But along with his mistakes, what is most remembered about Che is his personal example, embodying faith, willpower, and sacrifice."

"He is immortal because others want him to be, as the solitary example of the New Man who once lived and dared others to follow."

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