la ilusión de vivir

Apenas cerré Moon Palace comencé el libro de las ilusiones.

Comienzo desgarrado: el protagonista pierde a su mujer y sus hijos y queda completamente solo en el mundo y sin problemas de subsistencia. ¿Qué ocurre entonces? ¿Quién es él, que ha vivido su vida en clave de su familia, su rol de padre y marido profesor universitario? Ése es el drama que todos tenemos que enfrentar: quiénes somos en realidad por nosotros mismos.

The world was an illusion that had to be reinvented every day.


The world was full of holes, tiny apertures of meaninglessness, microscopic rifts that the mind could walk through, and once you were on the other side of one of those holes, you were free of yourself, free of your life, free of your death, free of everything that belonged to you.


Life was a fever dream, he discovered, and reality was a groundless world of figments and hallucinations, a place where everything you imagined came true.
De esta forma El libro de las ilusiones desarrolla la idea de que el mundo es algo que fabricamos, que la realidad no es inamovible ni obstinada sino subjetiva. El mundo del protagonista se desmorona hasta que él encuentra una razón para seguir adelante.

El ser humano es la medida de todo:
Do you believe in God?

No, I don't. I believe that man is the measure of all things. Both good and bad.
...y cada ser humano encierra en sí mismo al Universo...
[...] Each one was a sign of intimacy, a mark of solitude and self-reflection.
La subjetividad del Universo es llevada al extremo:
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it fall, does it make a sound or not? [...] That's how he justified what he did. He would make movies that would never be shown to audiences, make movies for the pure pleasure of making movies. It was an act of breathtaking nihilism.

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